Please don't get cross with me if I tell you that, actually, aquafaba from chickpea/garbanzo beans is not at all healthy and that I wish more vegans would hear about this! https://www.meghantelpner.com/blog/what-is-aquafaba-and-why-i-wont-use-it/

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I get what you're saying....I've worked with all these things. I've cooked Indian food for 34 years so I've used coconut, applesauce etc. I also use raw chickpea water after cooking if I have the time, so no cans. The sodium content varies from no added, to low sodium which I did mention. whole foods canned no salt added is 10 mg of sodium per container, whereas other brands start at 140 mg. As far as what it is and how it smells...I get nauseous sometimes handling meat as I don't cook it very often. Thanks for the article, I'd not seen that info before!

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